of not only every family, but the whole country

Any measures aimed at early diagnosis and prevention of these conditions are at the heart of the cancer fighting strategy
If this trend continues, the increase may be more than 33% by 2050. However, this dynamics is driven not only by higher morbidity in general, but also by better diagnostics at early stages. The top ten of cancers affecting women in Russia and worldwide includes breast, uterine and ovarian cancers.2
Relevant issues to be addressed by our society:
Overcoming demographic challenges
Early diagnosis of diseases
Preventive approach to health care
Raising awareness
The reasons for the deteriorating public health are inadequate and unbalanced diets, alcohol and tobacco use, lack of physical activity and obesity 4-7![]()
Comprehensive support for women and the provision of opportunities for timely diagnosis of precancerous lesions – the basis for a healthy future
Precancerous conditions – what are those?
They are often asymptomatic for the patient, they can only be diagnosed by a doctor during an examination or tests.
These include benign neoplasms or chronic prolonged inflammation, which over time can develop into a malignant tumor – unless you take action, of course.

Tissue changes that are precancerous are not yet cancers
And although they are no trouble in the early stages, that's where the danger lies: women postpone a visit to the doctor and overlook their own health in the midst of household worries. If you routinely visit a specialist and get tests done, you can notice changes in you body in time and take action to prevent any further progress of cancer.
Why do precancerous conditions occur?
These phenomena are hormone-dependent and can occur due to an endocrine system malfunction, in particular, too much or too little estrogen. Women with the history of cancers in their family are at risk as well – more frequent monitoring by specialists is essential in this case. 9
Precancerous conditions of the female reproductive system: what are they and what are they associated with?

Precancerous breast conditions

Precancerous cervical conditions

Precancerous conditions of the uterine body (endometrium) and ovaries
What could be the reason for the estrogen and progesterone imbalances?
At a young age
an unstable cycle and hormonal restructuring of the body
At the age of 30-40
increased stress, unhealthy lifestyle and negative influence of environmental factors
In the late reproductive age
rapid decrease in progesterone levels, where estrogen levels become too high
Only lab tests can accurately determine the levels of various hormones in the body, however, there are symptoms that can signal failures:
- menstrual irregularity: too heavy or too light a flow during period, complete absence of menstruation
- rapid weight gain: adipose tissue accumulates mainly in the abdomen, thighs and buttocks
- frequent mood swings, increased emotionality, anxiety, sleep disorders, a tendency to become depressed, chronic fatigue, decreased ability to work
- increase in the sensitivity of the mammary glands, an increase in their size not only before the period, but also in the middle of the cycle
- memory impairment, difficulty concentrating, absent-mindedness
- issues with hair and nails: hair loses shine, falls out, nails peel and break
- frequent headaches
Do not miss the symptoms of hormonal disorders:
excess estrogen in the body can cause the development of endometriosis, myoma, mastitis and other diseases. Early treatment of conditions associated with estrogen level disorders can prevent their worsening.
Prevention and detection of conditions associated with hormonal imbalance (estrogen and progesterone)
Correction of hormonal disorders is possible as indicated by a medical specialist![]()
Specific treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor based on the results of an examination and tests performed, but the following general recommendations can be useful to all women:
- Weight control
Adipose tissue is one of the sources of estrogens in the body, therefore it is essential to have a proper balanced diet, spend some time doing physical activities, add fresh vegetables and fruit to the daily diet and reduce the consumption of any foods high in animal fats and carcinogens - Oral contraceptives
Should only be taken after endocrine tests and as prescribed by a gynecologist. Uncontrolled intake of hormone pills can lead to severe pathologies - Avoiding excessive alcohol consumption
Liver has an important function of biosynthesizing estrogens in the body, so any excessive stress from alcohol consumption leads to hormonal imbalance - Normalizing work-life balance
Try avoiding stress and excessive worries, and normalize sleep
The balance of sex hormones is a prerequisite for normal functioning of all organs and systems of the female body
Sources cited:
- [1] WHO, 2023 – World Health Organization[VG1], 2023
- [2] "Global trends in incident, death, burden and risk factors of early-onset cancer from 1990 to 2019", BMJ Oncology, 2023
- [3] "Global trends in incident, death, burden and risk factors of early-onset cancer from 1990 to 2019", BMJ Oncology, 2023
- [4] [Electronic resource] // World Health Organization— Access mode: https://www.who.int/ru/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/malnutrition, free. — Title on the screen (Date of access: 05/27/2024)
- [5] [Electronic resource] // World Health Organization— Access mode: https://www.who.int/ru/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/physical-activity, free. — Title on the screen (Date of access: 05/27/2024)
- [6] [Electronic resource] // World Health Organization— Access mode: https://www.who.int/ru/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/tobacco, free. — Title on the screen (Date of access: 05/27/2024)
- [7] [Electronic resource] // World Health Organization— Access mode: https://www.who.int/ru/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/alcohol, free. — Title on the screen (Date of access: 05/27/2024)
- [8] "Oncogynecology is getting younger today", Sechenov University, July 2023
- [9] "Oncogynecology is getting younger today", Sechenov University, July 2023
- [10] "Benign diseases of the mammary glands: how to reduce the risks of progression", Ledina A. V., March 2024
- [11] "Estrogen-dependent conditions of the female reproductive system: the potential of non-hormonal therapy using indole-3-carbinol", Khashukoeva A.Z., Khlynova S.A., Ilyina I.Yu., Kerchelaeva S.A.
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- [20] Alcea's online survey, January 2024, 1200 respondents, women 18+
- [21] "Global trends in incident, death, burden and risk factors of early-onset cancer from 1990 to 2019", BMJ Oncology, 2023
- [22] Endometrial cancer statistics, WCRF International
- [23] Endometrial cancer statistics, WCRF International
- [24] Endometrial cancer statistics, WCRF International
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