World Breast Cancer Awareness Month or 'Pink October'

is a prime example of bringing people together for one purpose: to remind women how important it is to take care of their breast health.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the world
And now this topic is even more coming to the forefront:
  • in 2020, more than 2 mln new cases of breast cancer 1,2
  • of which more 72к in Russia 3
The dynamics of morbidity continues to grow: experts predict that by 2025, the absolute number of cases will increase by 2% 3
At the same time, breast cancer is getting younger. Although the majority of patients are women over 50 years old, the disease is now increasingly detected
among younger patients.
by 64%3
the incidence of breast cancer among young women has increased over the past 10 years
Although it is scary to hear such a diagnosis, it is important to remember that breast cancer detected at an early stage is curable.
9 of 104
first-degree breast cancer cases are curable if diagnosed in time
Modern methods of diagnosis and therapy help to identify the disease at an early stage and prevent its progression


The mammary gland is affected by various hormones that manifest themselves at different times in a woman's life. Three types of hormones affect the mammary glands the most:
  • Estrogens are produced by the ovaries and are responsible for the formation of the mammary gland and the mature shape of the breasts. Under the influence of these hormones, the breasts enlarge before menstruation.
  • Progesterone is responsible for the development of glandular tissue and its receptors. The amount of the hormone increases dramatically with the onset of pregnancy for the final formation of the alveoli.
  • Prolactin prepares the mammary glands for lactation, is responsible for the milk production process and its nutritional value.
When hormones are in balance, the system works
But a failure in the well-adjusted system of the body can entail disorders in the breast tissue, which without timely diagnosis and therapy can develop into malignant neoplasms
Precancerous conditions of the mammary glands
Breast cancer is a disease that does not occur spontaneously: it is preceded by pathologic cell changes, which are important to detect at an early stage 4
Mastopathy or benign breast dysplasia can be a precursor to the development of malignant neoplasms. It develops due to an imbalance of hormones in the body.
Mastopathy is a non-inflammatory hormone-dependent breast disease
This is a condition that requires monitoring and surveillance. In some cases, it can develop into a malignant tumor. The development of mastopathy and transformation into a malignant neoplasm can be affected by sex hormones and the work of internal organs - liver, pituitary gland, adrenal glands.
Why do precancerous breast conditions develop?
Various causes can trigger the development of neoplasms:
in addition to heredity, external factors and lifestyle have a great influence.
Genetics has an important impact on health 3
But one of the key reasons is hormonal imbalance, which strikes the breast and becomes a catalyst for the development of pathological processes

Prevention and diagnosis of breast cancer

Seeing your doctor regularly and getting medical checkups is key to preventing breast cancer.
In addition, in order to maintain breast health, women are advised to lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor the condition of their breasts through monthly self-diagnosis. Prevention is aimed at eliminating provoking external factors and unhealthy habits that affect a woman's body and lead to hormonal imbalance, reducing mortality from possible causes of breast cancer.
Therefore, it is important to adhere to basic healthy lifestyle guidelines:
  • eat at least 400 grams of fresh fruits and vegetables daily 3
  • do moderate physical activity
  • do not exceed the daily allowance of salt - up to 5 grams per day 5
  • quit smoking

Self-diagnosis is another mandatory step in breast cancer prevention

It should be performed monthly, 5-7 days after the end of menstruation. If a woman is already postmenopausal, self-examination is carried out at a convenient time
Self-diagnosis takes place in 2 steps: visual inspection and tactile examination.
  • The first step involves a visual inspection of the glands for possible changes such as:
    • lodging, swelling, retraction or other changes in nipple contours;
    • localized redness of the skin;
    • cal or total swelling of the skin, the state of 'lemon peel';
    • nodules and masses in the tissue;
    • nipple discharge.
  • The second stage is performed in the supine position:
    • place pillows under one side of your back and lie down so that the gland is spread across your chest wall;
    • without pressure, use the pads of 2-4 fingers of the opposite hand to feel the gland from bottom to top in a circular motion, from the nipple to the axilla. Pay attention to the lymph nodes and the supraclavicular area;
    • feel the inside of the gland from top to bottom, from the nipple to the middle of the chest wall;
    • repeat the process with the second breast.
Download the self-diagnosis handout
At the same time, the basis for early diagnosis and prevention remains dispensary — it includes a number of instrumental studies that help to make sure that there are no changes in the breast.

Under the age of 40, breast ultrasound is the baseline examination method. Mammography remains the gold standard of breast cancer screening for women over 40 years of age. The diagnostic method helps not only to detect malignant neoplasms, but also to diagnose pathologic changes that precede them.


Outside of cancer diagnosis, mammography also helps detect arterial calcification, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis.

Telling women of all ages about preventative measures to look after their breast health with the charity 'Dalshe'

Prevention before age 20
Instrumental diagnostics — only when indicated by a specialist, for prevention it is enough to adhere to the basic principles of healthy lifestyle and regular self-examinations
Prevention in age 20-39
  • Breast ultrasound — once a year or more often as indicated
  • Consultation with a geneticist and oncomammologist in case of hereditary predisposition
X-ray mammography is not recommended before age 40 because the breasts are dominated by dense glandular tissue that is poorly viewed
Prevention in age 40-49
  • Mammography — once every 2 years
  • Family history for cancer screening
5-7% of cases of malignant neoplasms are related to heredity
Prevention in age 50-69
  • Mammography — once every 2 years
  • Breast ultrasound — once a year
  • Additional examinations — as indicated in case of cancer in the family history
Prevention in age 70+
  • Mammography — once every 2 years
Up to the age of 75, it can be done free of charge as part of a routine checkup under the MHI, and at older ages - by doctor's appointment. More frequent examinations are not recommended, as X-rays may aggravate existing age-related changes or chronic diseases


If there are any changes in the mammary gland, the specialist may refer the patient for a number of additional examinations
Monitoring by radiation methods, as well as the joint work of the therapist, mammologist, gynecologist, oncologist and ultrasound specialist help to timely identify pathological changes, including mastopathy, and take preventive measures.
The patient itinerary for a neoplasm diagnosis may consist of the following steps:
  • Blood tests — including cancer markers to detect cancer in its early stages
  • Breast ultrasound — if neoplasms are suspected
  • Mammography — to determine the size, shape and other characteristics of the tumor
  • Biopsy — to determine the nature of cells and their features
  • PET-CT — a method for diagnosing tumors and metastases
  • MRI — is an optional study and may be ordered for nipple involvement
Whether to continue observation or to treat pathological conditions with drugs - only the doctor decides after examination and tests.
And most importantly remember that health is beautiful
Self-care is beautiful
Buy a bouquet of pink roses on the Russian Bouquet website and get a certificate to SM-Clinic!
It entitles you to:
  • undergo a breast ultrasound
  • a consultation with a breast oncologist based on the ultrasound findings
After all, ordering a bouquet to delight yourself or a loved one is just a few clicks away, but showing your health care is priceless!
You can get a certificate until 10/31/2024 or until all certificates are distributed. The number of certificates is limited. Please check the availability with 'Russian Bouquet'.
You can use the certificate from October 15 to November 30, 2024 in one of 6 clinics of the network of multidisciplinary medical centers SM-Clinic in Moscow.
For more information about the campaign, please visit the website of Russian Bouquet at the following link.

Advertising. Alcea LLC. TIN 7707747030

Our partners

Russian Bouquet flower delivery service

'Russian Bouquet' is a dynamically developing company with more than 13 years of experience in online flower and gift delivery. The company not only provides flower delivery services, but also develops and creates advanced technologies that make the process of buying and delivering bouquets simple and convenient.

SM-Clinic Holding

One of the largest Russian networks of multidisciplinary clinics, provides a wide range of medical services. 'SM-Clinic' has 4,000 experienced doctors, more than 700,000 patients a year, 47 areas of medicine, specialized centers, including its own Cardiovascular Surgery Center, Oncology Center and Reproductive Health Center. The SM-Clinica holding company offers a wide range of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, inpatient and outpatient treatment, various examination programs - female, male and child check-ups. The clinics have created conditions for comfortable stay and quick recovery after surgical treatment.

All-Russian Public Movement Medical Volunteers

'Medical volunteers' develop volunteerism in the healthcare sector, teach health care, and build the future of Russian medicine. The organization is engaged in broad medical education of the population, raising the prestige of medical professions, building human resources for the healthcare industry, as well as fostering patriotic self-awareness and active citizenship among Russians. Medical volunteers help in medical institutions, teach first aid, accompany mass events, develop donation and popularize healthy lifestyles, as well as conduct career guidance among schoolchildren and participate in information campaigns on disease prevention.

Dalshe Charity

The organization supports women with breast cancer by creating an environment with opportunities for effective diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of this disease. The Foundation also initiates the introduction of technological solutions in practical healthcare, promotes professional development of medical specialists and supports scientific research.

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